
Oh History, oh wonderfull time

I was suprised by both versions. It was kinda hard to install them because I wrote them in very bad code and the mysql dumb was somehow corrupted but after some time I managed to (almost) completely recover both of the versions.

Especially the second version was much fun to (re)discover. I really like it's interface and I'm actually thinking about making a RTD4 skin that looks exactly like RTD2.

While travelling trough the old Alphaville I (re)discovered the Casino. You could only play 1 game in the casino: higher / lower. But it was soo much fun to do! Especially because I wrote this 2 or 3 years ago… when I was a child. (Not that I'm a man now, but hey! whatever!).

You should check both versions out if you're interested in this RtD stuff:

Route to Destiny version 1

Route to Destiny version 2

I can't say it's “fun to play”, but it's nice to check out.

So… that will be it for tonight.

I wish you all a fun evening.


Thijs Van der Schaeghe.]]>

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